Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is an instrument that, firstly, came into being in 1992 during the International Conference of the United Nations of Rio de Janiero, in order to open up the possibility of participating in the decisional process. The ultimate goal of the Agenda 21 is the achievement of the sustainable development, but it is basically an instrument capable of providing you with data and information about the different aspects, which cure the quality of territorial living.
As a result of this instrument of democratic participation, it is possible to monitor the territory from an environmental, social and economic point of view and operate, in order that these three aspects could integrate with each other, resolving in a different way the problematic questions that afflict the territory.
The goals of Agenda 21 are various, according to the different arguments that have already been treated, but they are all oriented to a unique ultimate goal: the integration of subjects of environmental operating, social equity and economy. In fact, Agenda 21 is one of the instruments that let the choices be integrated “from the beginning”, in order to avoid that one sectoral policy produces such effects that require the engagement of public economical resources for “the compensation” of the damages that have been done in other sectors.
The sustainable development’s subjects, which are the objects of Agenda 21 programme, can’t be imposed by high authorities, given that each territory has its own peculiarities that have to be defended. And so, it is necessary and important the intervention of the territorial local bodies, in order that the principle of “global thinking, local action” could be realized.
Sigeambiente is capable of helping the local body to predispose its Agenda 21, giving the necessary support in the successful achievement of the route.