Tourism is a potential instrument of development, which can actively and has to participate to the strategy of the sustainable development. The territorial development has also to mean and above all, equilibrium between environment, culture and local economy. The sustainable tourism joins these aspects just thanks to the attention to the adaptability with the territorial reality of a place.
The sustainable tourism is based on the responsible management of tourist destinations, involvement of all operators in this management and participation of the whole population.
Sigeambiente collaborates with the organizations that want to create communication events, paying particular attention to the environmental theme, implementing a real management system for the sustainability of the event in accordance with ISO 20121.
Sigeambiente’s goal is to cooperate with the local body during the study, planning and achievement (towards the creation of a system of interested people) of the solutions which are consistent with environment, economically capable and sensible of the setting where they are placed. Sigeambiente proposes the following instruments to achieve this goal: