ISO 14001 – EMAS

The ISO 14001 environmental certification is part of the international ISO 14000 standards, issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and represents a voluntary instrument of adhesion to improve environmental management within an organization. The UNI EN ISO 14001 standard aims to provide a practical guide for the realization and long-term maintenance of an environmental management system with the aim of improving the environmental performance of its activities over time, developing communication with stakeholders, manage the environment factor preventing potential risks.
With the Regulation n ° 1221 of 2009 and s.m.i. the European Union has defined its own regulatory standard to give recognition to organizations that demonstrate attention to environmental issues. EMAS, an acronym for Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, is like the ISO 14001 standard a voluntary and non-obligatory adhesion tool and represents an important innovation in the European Union’s approach to sustainable development.
The element that distinguishes EMAS from the ISO 14001 certification is external communication: in fact, the drafting of the Environmental Statement is expected. This document clearly and concisely contains all the environmental data and information concerning the organization: its environmental policy, the significant environmental aspects, the actions and improvement objectives adopted and in progress, the description of its activities and must be made available to anyone who requests it.
The Environmental Declaration is evaluated by the EMAS Italy Section of the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and, as it is destined to become public, represents a fundamental communication tool.