Management system

Implementation of management systems

A Management System is a sharing at all levels of the organization that is what is done and how you want to do it; placing the objective of continuous improvement and directing the action of each towards the common objective defined in the System Policy:

  • environmental protection:
    ISO 14001 o EMAS
  • environmental sustainability of events:
    ISO 20121
  • customer satisfaction:
    ISO 9001
  • anti-corruption management:
    ISO 37001
  • crime prevention:
    Modello 231

Certification is the proof that is obtained at the end of a system-building process of one’s management activity. It is issued by a third party body, independent, and certifies the conformity of the organization or territory to the standards defined at European and international level. It is the tool, also required by the Procurement Code, to demonstrate to third parties (ie. customers or potential customers, control bodies, suppliers or other subjects outside the company) their reliability in maintaining their commitments continuously.

Sigeambiente accompanies public and private organizations in implementing management systems, developing it based on the structure of the individual applicant and providing the necessary support for its operation. Keys in hand products are not provided because we have chosen to offer a service that allows us to effectively structure the system and make it really useful for the applicant organization.

ISO 14001 – EMAS

The ISO 14001 environmental certification is part of the international ISO 14000 standards, issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and represents a voluntary instrument of adhesion to improve environmental management within an organization. The UNI EN ISO 14001 standard aims to provide a practical guide for the realization and long-term maintenance of an environmental management system with the aim of improving the environmental performance of its activities over time, developing communication with stakeholders, manage the environment factor preventing potential risks.

With the Regulation n ° 1221 of 2009 and s.m.i. the European Union has defined its own regulatory standard to give recognition to organizations that demonstrate attention to environmental issues. EMAS, an acronym for Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, is like the ISO 14001 standard a voluntary and non-obligatory adhesion tool and represents an important innovation in the European Union’s approach to sustainable development.

The element that distinguishes EMAS from the ISO 14001 certification is external communication: in fact, the drafting of the Environmental Statement is expected. This document clearly and concisely contains all the environmental data and information concerning the organization: its environmental policy, the significant environmental aspects, the actions and improvement objectives adopted and in progress, the description of its activities and must be made available to anyone who requests it.

The Environmental Declaration is evaluated by the EMAS Italy Section of the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and, as it is destined to become public, represents a fundamental communication tool.

ISO 20121

Dedicated to those who want to organize events or related activities, this standard defines a guideline on how to structure a management system able to take into consideration the aspects of environmental, social and economic impact generated by the event. It is a strong marketing tool that can be used by event organizers.

The standard also allows certification of a single event. Recipients can therefore be both promoters, organizers, suppliers and location of events that Municipalities or Pro Loco. It represents a powerful communication tool with the community and citizens on environmental and social issues.

  • increases the appeal to potential investors.
  • reduces the risks and the economic, environmental and social impact of the event
  • allows you to stand out from the competition
  • develops awareness of environmental and social issues in the territory

ISO 9001

The 9001: 2015 quality certification is developed by Sigeambiente paying particular attention to the reference context and the objectives pursued. The advantages that can be obtained are:

  • increases the capacity for internal and external communication, providing a boost towards the growth of the reputation of the organization
  • Is a useful promotional tool
  • facilitates performance measurement and improves corporate risk management by constantly monitoring critical issues and full compliance with mandatory regulations
  • allows participation in public tenders where 9001 certification is required as a prerequisite
  • involves employees, customers and suppliers communicating clear messages on the commitment to high standards on their products and services and provides a guarantee of the pursuit of continuous improvement
  • organizations are encouraged to improve the quality of products and services provided and consequently reduce waste and customer complaints and increase customer satisfaction

ISO 37001

ISO 37001 is the international standard that supports organizations in the adoption of a management system aimed at preventing, tracing and dealing with acts of corruption and promoting an ethical business culture.

The standard defines the procedures according to which companies can declare themselves compliant with the provisions of the law on anti-corruption and facilitates the demonstration of the adoption of adequate prevention tools.

The management system developed in accordance with ISO 37001 can easily be integrated with the 231 model and develops its effectiveness by increasing control over the instruments used to combat the phenomenon of corruption. It represents an opportunity for all companies interested in managing and reducing their level of “corruption” risk.

Sigeambiente offers support for the implementation of the 37001 system for organizations required to fulfill legislative obligations regarding anti-corruption.

Modello 231

Sigeambiente collaborates with organizations that must implement an organizational model within the meaning of Law 231/2001. It carries out an activity of evaluation of the activities most exposed to the risk of crimes contemplated by the law and proceeds with the structuring of the appropriate operating methods to reduce these risks.

It collaborates with the organization for the necessary training and information activities as well as for the development of whistleblowing regulations. It works together with the organization for the preparation and approval of the ethical code.

Sigeambiente participates in supervisory bodies as members or offers technical support to the ODV to verify the correct application of the model.

EMAS Registration


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Tel. +39 030 13881226

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