Ethical code of Sigeambiente
Sigeambiente operates in the field of the consultancy for the local bodies, social cooperatives and private companies acting both with respect to administrations and, through them, with the territory, which is managed by them. Sigeambiente proposes itself to support the organizations in the achievement of the sustainable development, according to what has been defined by the Treaty and by the Directives and Regulations of the European Union.
Sigeambiente sticks to the logic “global thinking, local acting” in order to achieve this goal, promoting the smallest administrations, joining to it the consideration of the choices’ effects. In order to achieve these goals, Sigeambiente proposes itself in the market as a bearer of high moral values, such as: the observance of the law, the respect for the employees, a fair competition with the other competing business firms.
Sticking to its starting choices, Sigeambiente bases itself on the values of democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, and it is bound to respect the present behavioural Code in all its internal or external activities. In this context, each person who participates in Sigeambiente’s activity – and firstly, who is involved in its management – has to conform his behaviour to the present Code. Sigeambiente engages itself to improve continually its environmental and social services through concrete actions and a direct engagement, to integrate the principles of Global Compact of the Union Nations into its strategy, firm’s culture and daily firm’s transactions.
Sigeambiente’s actions are made on the basis of mutual trust’s principle, both with its collaborators and employees and also with its clients. Within the organization, the belief is based on the mission’s share that Sigeambiente has pre-established, and also on the respect of everybody for the values and provisions of this code: so, each individual engages itself to respect it. In the external relationships, the trust is based on mutual respect, the highest transparency and
clearness of the proposes.
Honour and respect
Sigeambiente engages to make sure itself that its operating and also the one of its collaborators could be done respecting the laws and the values, which have been mentioned before. Sigeambiente will provide the diffusion of the mutual respect between all individuals, creating a cooperation place and adopting ways and language, which are conformed to an well-educated behaviour, that is very important within the structure and with the others. Sigeambiente, within its internal and external relationships, supports and respects the human rights, which are universally recognized.
Sigeambiente engages to make sure itself that its representatives and collaborators could operate taking into account the concrete circumstances, without assuming discriminatory and opportunistic behaviours.
Sigeambiente engages itself and obliges not to make differences of race, sex, political opinions and physical and mental handicap. Sigeambiente engages to make sure itself not to get involved in the abuses of human rights and to promote relationships with similar firms.
Sigeambiente engages itself to adopt the standards of Green Procurement, reducing its consumptions and rubbish. Moreover, it engages itself to adopt operative formalities, which are of a lower possible impact on the environment and develop a preventive logic in relation with the environmental policies. Sigeambiente engages itself to promote the indicators, which are helpful instruments of the decisional process, in order to support the monitoring activities, which finalize this purpose. Sigeambiente obliges itself to diffuse to its employees and collaborators, the principles for the cut of consumptions with the help of the informative and formative activities, and also the prorogation of good procedures.
Human resources
The increase in value of human resources, the respect of their autonomy, the incentive based on their participation in the firm’s decisions constitute fundamental principles for Sigeambiente’s heads. The attention to the human needs will always be considered and will be the basis for the realization of a climate of a mutual human solidarity.
Health and security in working places
Sigeambiente engages itself, in order that its representatives and collaborates can adopt all the security’s measures, which are required by the technologic evolution and it is used for guaranteeing the integration of the physical and moral personality of the employers. Sigeambiente engages itself to facilitate, in particular, women’s and mothers’ job, in order to promote within the ambit of their sphere of influence, the elimination of discrimination in employment’ s and professions’ subject.
Trade union relations
Sigeambiente, in order to defend better the workers’ rights and the growth of the economic democracy, it engages itself to favour good and continuative relationships with trade union organizations and others ones that defend the workers.
Sigeambiente engages itself to make sure that its representatives and collaborators defend the privacy of personal data, which are held both in databases and also in personal archives and it strives, in order that could be respected all the accomplishments, which are provided for by the actual set of rules in privacy’s subject. The use of the personal data from the structure will only be finalized to achieve the aims relating to the specific undertaking of the carried out activity.
Fair competition and bribery
Sigeambiente seeks to the principle of fair competition in its relationships with the other competing business firms.
Sigeambiente promotes prevention’s enterprises of bribery.
Sigeambiente will provide the diffusion of this Code to all its clients and collaborators, and also to give an ample diffusion of this one through special informative channels, preparing every year public reports about all the developments it has reached.